Private Henry Ira Banks, post-Civil War 1860's |
On a recent trip to Seattle, my sister, Sandi invited me to join her on a side trip up North to Mount Vernon, to visit my Dad's sister, Marie. Aunt Marie brought out an old photo album with portraits of relatives on her mother's side. She was hoping I could help identify some of the photos. Incredibly, I located a photograph of Henry inside the photo album. I had never seen this likeness of him, but it was obviously taken just after his service in the Civil War, since he appears older in the 1872 image that I procured from cousin Mary Emma Allen. Also, note the medal he is sporting. I believe it is a GAR medal, but the jury's still out. Some other photos emerged of my Great-great Grandfather, David Irish Banks, Henry's older brother. In a letter from their mother, she mentions that David warned Henry of the consequences of deserting, which he was seriously considering after his involvement in the 102nd Illinois Volunteers extended far beyond the brief period he expected. I like to believe that his big brother's encouragement saved Henry's life, and dignity.
David Irish Banks, 1860's |
Henry Ira Banks, Gentleman Farmer,
Salina, Kansas, 1872